(Commenting on)  Broke Woke & Trending Folk 7/15: Major updates and related stories to the Trump assassination attempt



  1. I understand why there is a focus on the shooter, but please never lose sight of the fact the most obvious position that had line of sight of the stage was left unguarded. Folks, the Secret Service advance teams are took good to overlook that. This assassination attempt appears to have been assisted by someone very high up in the Secret Service. With the FBI being in charge of the investigation, we may not get answers unless Trump becomes President and he cleans house. All of this talk that this young man was a Registered Republican, is to redirect your attention from the fact that the most obvious rooftop to guard was left unguarded.

  2. Another thing, Foundingfather, this kid donated to Biden or the Democrat party upon Biden’s inauguration??!! So this snot nosed kid donated money when he was 16? Yeahhh…ok. There are way too many holes in the entire narrative here. We better find out very quickly what happened. We can’t afford to keep waiting for Trump to get back in office in order to get accountability.

    • Like I said, I understand the focus on this kid, but the kid is actually now being used to distract people’s attention from why that roof top was left unguarded. That’s why you are seeing the left suggesting this was staged or that Trump brought this on himself. It’s all to shift the conversation away from what I see as a good indicator that the assassination attempt was done in coordination with the advance team in the Secret Service. The shooter’s position was just too obvious that they would leave that unguarded. The Secret Service is too well trained to ever overlook something like that. I would caution people not to get sucked into attempts to change the conversation away from this obvious issue. If is smells rotten, it usually is.

  3. The “real” truth will never be known, these commies are experts at covering their tracks and covering up all truths. The mere fact that some clown actually said this was “staged” by DT tells how these anti American po💩’s think. Disgusting maggots

    • (However the attention of crowd WAS directed to the jumbotron at that moment also). But her having phone ready? Weird.

  4. I watched and rewatches the video of the lady behind Trump. It actually looked like she cracked a smile when he went down.
    We have to be very careful of ruining people’s lives trying to wrap our head around an assassination attempt on Trump. I believe this lady needs to be questioned definitely…
    Also I found that the photographers running around the stage getting their photos was disturbing. I’m sure they were vetted however if they meant Trump harm they would have been able to harm him.

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