(Commenting on)  SEE IT:‘Damning’ uncovered photos cast doubt on Biden’s denial of discussing Hunter’s business



  1. Biden finally proved what a liar he truly is when he pardoned his CORRUPT son. Every other proven lie has and will be just icing on the cake!!! Even lifelong DemoncRats are seeing him for who he is…a living breathing Pinocchio!!!

  2. He needs to pardon himself. He was up to his neck in it with his son Hunter. You know he got kickbacks he’s a traitor to our country.

  3. That’s why Congress will “NEVER” legislate term limits for themselves. They feed off the goverment tit and practice nepotism among themselves.
    It’s their “CASH COW” for life. They will milk that cash cow until it’s dead and America is no more. The presidency is just icing on the cake.
    The mafia couldn’t rig up a better system to enrich themselves. You can see the parallel between the two. Organized crime and the U.S. government’s and the political crime families.

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