This disgusting administration was fake enough and now this atrocity . No administration in my lifetime has made such a vile mockery of my country and it’s citizens and of course there will be NO consequences ……
God will deal with the brain-dead meat suit joe biden and punish him for how he took this country down the rabbit hole of destruction. He is a phony and a fake along with his entire family of grifters and losers.
This disgusting piece of lowlife garbage joe would not permit Elon Musk to help to get the two Astronauts stranded at the space station sooner. Elon Musk wanted to do that months ago, but joe the brain-deal POS refused him and said it would interfere with kamala the kackling kunt’s campaign. What campaign, you mean that useless display of word salads when she could not even come up with a sensible sentence. You mean the 14,000,000 electorate votes transferred over to her that the bimbo never earned?
Just like his presidency: fake
I’d like to know how much of our tax money was wasted on this farce?
The entire Biden family needs to be in prison.
This disgusting administration was fake enough and now this atrocity . No administration in my lifetime has made such a vile mockery of my country and it’s citizens and of course there will be NO consequences ……
God will deal with the brain-dead meat suit joe biden and punish him for how he took this country down the rabbit hole of destruction. He is a phony and a fake along with his entire family of grifters and losers.
This disgusting piece of lowlife garbage joe would not permit Elon Musk to help to get the two Astronauts stranded at the space station sooner. Elon Musk wanted to do that months ago, but joe the brain-deal POS refused him and said it would interfere with kamala the kackling kunt’s campaign. What campaign, you mean that useless display of word salads when she could not even come up with a sensible sentence. You mean the 14,000,000 electorate votes transferred over to her that the bimbo never earned?
It seems that Obama refused to let Joe in the Oval Office because he was using it for his third term.