(Commenting on)  SEE IT: Time magazine featured eerily prophetic cover of Trump days before assassination attempt



  1. WHY is this commie magazine even in production? That many commie shills still supporting this garbage? What’s happening to our republic? WHY are any of these pathetic phony commie publicists allowed to put out this garbage? What service does it provide to the masses other than hate and bull💩 lies. Vial commies. AND by the way DJT only trouble is the commie cult devil DEMONcrates which YOU are part of.

  2. Americans are awakening to the left sided MSM! We are so tired of their constant brainwashing!!!
    Why doesn’t MSM become professional again and be the news they once were! No backbone!

    • They will never be professional again. msm and all the alphabet soup of vile propaganda media need to be exterminated. Terrorist propaganda spreaders need to be dragged off by their ankles to GITMO and the sites they work for shut down completely. May abc, cbs, nbc, msnbc. cnn fail to exist.

  3. The left will steal the election again , check Michigan , multiple 2 time voters caught and no repercussions ? The fix is in !!!!! America will cease to exist as we knew it !!!!!!

    • Please stop the NEGATISM! Prayers and optimism will see us through! He was saved, not once, but twice because he has been ordained to save this country. This is our last chance.

  4. 5 Days before the first assassination attempt Joe Biden said “Trump is in the Bullseye”, then Trump was shot. Now Time makes this cover of Trump on the golf course and guess what, another attempt on Trump! Liberals that stick together, remember, they said Trump will Never sit in the White House again, what are we supposed to think.


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