Good for Hegseth! That harpie needs to be taken down. Filthy corrupticrat!
I’ve read that the Clinton Foundation got something like 130 million for that uranium sale. How did she get away with this?!?
I’ve watched the movie -3 hours several times, and each time I am both horrified and incensed that help was available and lethal only 20 minutes away, but the shrew ordered them to stand down. Beyond horrible.
How is it that she enriches herself as secretary of state and no criminal charges happened!!! She committed federal crimes no real investigation and no charges!!!
0-3 aka Hillary is so psychotic that she can’t handle Trump being right or successful. He keeps his promises and delivers to the American people. All Hillary did was lie and steal. Oh yeah NO PARDON for her.
She is such a serpent . When she takes her last breath on this land she brought so much pain to- she will begin her eternal demise in h double hockey sticks. She makes me cringe. Thank God she was never the first woman president. Pres Trump keeps giving and we owe him a solid for that.
Good for Hegseth! That harpie needs to be taken down. Filthy corrupticrat!
I’ve read that the Clinton Foundation got something like 130 million for that uranium sale. How did she get away with this?!?
I’ve watched the movie -3 hours several times, and each time I am both horrified and incensed that help was available and lethal only 20 minutes away, but the shrew ordered them to stand down. Beyond horrible.
How is it that she enriches herself as secretary of state and no criminal charges happened!!! She committed federal crimes no real investigation and no charges!!!
0-3 aka Hillary is so psychotic that she can’t handle Trump being right or successful. He keeps his promises and delivers to the American people. All Hillary did was lie and steal. Oh yeah NO PARDON for her.
She is such a serpent . When she takes her last breath on this land she brought so much pain to- she will begin her eternal demise in h double hockey sticks. She makes me cringe. Thank God she was never the first woman president. Pres Trump keeps giving and we owe him a solid for that.