(Commenting on)  SEE IT: Florida sheriff fed up with school shooting hoaxes posts boy’s mugshot to social media [Video]



  1. I love this being a former school administrator in charge of threat assessment and crisis management. But I’ll bet the TV crews will blur out the faces of the cherubs.

  2. FANTASTIC! We need so many more like him. So many Parents are not parenting anymore. I’m not for Gov’t interference, but I do believe people who want kids should have to pass an aptitude test before reproducing. There are just too many BAD, Negligent and just out Lazy parents out there.

  3. Absolutely love this. I have been saying these kids and adults need to be seen in the public square.
    I will say not all parents are bad even if they have a “bad” kid. However the ones who are looking out.. only in Florida!

  4. Totally agree with this Sheriff. Also, they won’t have social media which is the evil tool of satan. Parents should be held accountable for the actions of their children. Parents should know what their children are doing and where they are all the time. They need to get their face out of their phone too!

  5. Wonderful idea. Support this 100%. We all need a sheriff like this in our community bc there are so many parents who drop the ball when it comes to be responsible parents. Others can take a lesson from this man!

  6. Good job Sheriff if the parents can make the correct decisions on how to raise a child the. Let the state make them. These kids have got to be brought under control before they become adults and start a killing spree and begin breeding more like them.

  7. In these times it is absolutely IMPERATIVE that parents not only know what their kids are doing online, but actually confront and talk to their kids about the deadly consequences of breaking the law. Many many sites should be verboten to those under 18.

    KUDOS TO THIS BRAVE SHERIFF. You know the Left is going to be all over this.

  8. Please video the kids parents too as they arrive at the jail or try jailing the parents also ! We have 2 sets of parents across USA being indicted and put on trial for what their kids have done , more parents should stand trial too since they purchase the guns for their kids !

  9. Fantastic, I hope other Sheriffs in Florida start doing the same. This is another reason why I love living in Florida. We have a lot of Great Sheriff’s down here, Grady Judd is another, they are tired of all the lawlessness.

  10. Florida doesn’t play! So many great law enforcement agencies WON’T play this game. Nothing is funny about this. Congrats LEO’s for all you do in keeping Floridians safe. Governor DeSantis allows them to do their job. Well done. Stop the lawlessness nationwide. #TRUMP2024ToSaveAmerica


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