So what the hell are our representitives doing ? Taking a cut because they are clueless about this shit. They should be ashamed that they didnt know. Di they actually do any work?
Thing we must remember is that the money being spent does not belong to the government- it’s OUR money. We put into that fund for our entire working lives and then through fraud, it’s gone.
Same with SSI and SS that’s being given to illegals who have never put a find into the system. It’s not fraud on the government- it’s fraud on us. Anybody caught doing this fraud should spend the rest of their lives behind bars!
The years of criminal activity on our life long benefits that working American citizens paid into. All of these criminals should be serving a loooong prison sentence! Thank god for President Trumps administration exposing the corruption!
I receive calls every day at least three times a day .
The person in the line always has a strong accent . And it’s always about some kind of Medicare or medicade scam I’m sure they are just fishing for information so they can issue some kinda claim. As long as I keep receiving these calls I know the corruption is bad.
Sad part is that democrats defend this crap . Explains why they are so upset about it being stopped.
Make you think they way they launder that money back into each other’s pockets and into the DNC .
That once the money is stopped the party may financially dry up and no longer be able to support itself. After all beside a few lunatics who put their money into the party . Which by the way gets funneled right back to them they really don’t have any means of support other than theft from the American citizen.
What the short-sighted democrats do not get is, all this resistance to fraud reduction and waste of tax payer money is making them look:
Uninterested in what is right
Approving of criminal behavior
Financially Irresponsible
Unsympathetic to taxpayers struggle
Not smart enough to comprehend financial collapse
Cannot comprehend they are destroying our future
Unimaginable that this corruption is taking place in the United States!
So what the hell are our representitives doing ? Taking a cut because they are clueless about this shit. They should be ashamed that they didnt know. Di they actually do any work?
No wonder SS is not going to last.
PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP to cut down on fraud just like the SBA is doing
Thing we must remember is that the money being spent does not belong to the government- it’s OUR money. We put into that fund for our entire working lives and then through fraud, it’s gone.
Same with SSI and SS that’s being given to illegals who have never put a find into the system. It’s not fraud on the government- it’s fraud on us. Anybody caught doing this fraud should spend the rest of their lives behind bars!
Just think how much we could be getting paid if it weren’t for fraud and incompetence
The years of criminal activity on our life long benefits that working American citizens paid into. All of these criminals should be serving a loooong prison sentence! Thank god for President Trumps administration exposing the corruption!
I receive calls every day at least three times a day .
The person in the line always has a strong accent . And it’s always about some kind of Medicare or medicade scam I’m sure they are just fishing for information so they can issue some kinda claim. As long as I keep receiving these calls I know the corruption is bad.
Sad part is that democrats defend this crap . Explains why they are so upset about it being stopped.
Make you think they way they launder that money back into each other’s pockets and into the DNC .
That once the money is stopped the party may financially dry up and no longer be able to support itself. After all beside a few lunatics who put their money into the party . Which by the way gets funneled right back to them they really don’t have any means of support other than theft from the American citizen.
What the short-sighted democrats do not get is, all this resistance to fraud reduction and waste of tax payer money is making them look:
Uninterested in what is right
Approving of criminal behavior
Financially Irresponsible
Unsympathetic to taxpayers struggle
Not smart enough to comprehend financial collapse
Cannot comprehend they are destroying our future