(Commenting on)  RUMOR: Trump’s possible VP choice leaked, though unconfirmed nor verified



  1. He’s definitely my pick!! I know General Flynn is a good man and his heart is all for America and the American people!! He the qualifications much more than the usual politicians that desire so much to get elected.

  2. Until it’s out of Trump’s own mouth I won’t believe it. He does have military experience but I don’t know about it. We will soon see.

  3. Blah. Blah. Blah. After this week anything and everything is a guess. Hummmm. Just stay tuned.

  4. That would be a very interesting pick. During this time in the world that might be a great choice.
    I wonder if that’s who Trump wanted the first time but was convicted he needed someone like Pence.
    Let’s be honest Trump could pick the Easter Bunny and not one of his stonch voters would care

    • I am a staunch Trump supporter and I care. We need to think beyond the next 4 years. We cannot just think of the moment. We need someone who is young enough to carry the MAGA torch for 4 + 8 years and beyond if America is going to be great again from this day forward and remain great. We can’t let our guard down. Michael Flynn has already addressed this leak stating that this info is false and the filings are fake. The form that is showing on X is a fake form.

  5. Interesting! Last time he choose a politician and didn’t work. If this time he decided to go with one with military experience a general probably to make sure is a person who love the US and not a traidor. We will know soon, I like Flynn he might be a good one!

  6. Flynn is a good man, but we need someone younger. Who can relate to the younger generation. Someone who’s good at speaking. Just don’t think he is the right pick.

  7. He was always my first pick. He is the most trusted for sure. I think the two of them would be a great team in cleaning up the deep state.
    President Eisenhower was a General also. And he did fine.

  8. After reading all the above comments I have to agree with BP above. Flynn would be an interesting pick but my vote is for Our President TRUMP and whomever he picks. At least we know it will be better than O’BaDin’s pick of callous kneed 🐫la.

  9. Nope and Nope. Trump needs to pick a female or someone of color. Just my thoughts.Tulsi Gabbard would pull a lot of independents into vote and a man of color would help get the black vote and Hispanic.

    • I like Tulsi Gabbert, too. Listen to her interview with Tucker Carlson from three weeks ago. She is so informed on the how and why of Democrat strategies. She was “excused” from that party because she would not go along with their BS.
      It’s an hour long interview that I could not turn off until it was over. Amazing!

  10. While I like the idea of Flynn I think this isn’t true. Flynn would be beneficial in a different capacity. I like the idea of Ben Carson and I am not apposed to Tulsi Gabbard. We just need to pray that Trump remains safe at all times.

  11. I said that Flynn would be the choice. He knows where all the bodies are buried. Though I think he does have a spot in Trump’s administration somewhere. Interesting how this leaked. And I agree that it really doesn’t matter who Trump picks, he’s going to win.

  12. Careful folks! The democrats and the media are trying to draw our attention away from what is happening to the democrat party and their internal civil war.
    I trust Trump to pick the right person this time, cause he is smart and knows not to repeat the same mistake he made with pence.
    My personal choice would be Vivek, but it’s not my choice.
    Trump 2024!!

  13. Rumors are just that…Rumors! Probably started by the Dems. Once Trump states who his VP is? That’s when I will be certain, but not until then.

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