(Commenting on)  REPORT: Woman hits Elon Musk with paternity lawsuit, seeks full custody of baby



  1. Ya the insanity of the left never lets up. How disgusting. A simple DNA test would prove fatherhood rather court action. I don’t get it. Something smells here.

  2. This is sad just sad. Even sadder there is a child being used..
    The media will now jump in this to drag Musk threw the mud.
    So very sad

    • I know! These evil people will do anything for fame and $$$. I hate they’re going after Elon just like they did Trump and especially when a baby is involved!! Disgusting!!! Who can people ever trust to date? Or marry?? Geez!!

  3. So sad for that baby this woman is a gold digger and is using the baby to get the attention from the media to get what she wanted… money! I hope the judge see this and if the baby is really his he gets full custody since she set him up!

  4. The little twatwaffle is looking for a handout, the little money grubbing beotch, and a way to discredit Musk. Wonder who paid her to either lie, or start this bs. Simple solution, DNA test but tests from several different testing sources and not one picked by the woman declaring the baby is his. They could be paid off also. My take on this, she is probably being paid to lie. By who, a soros funded pig. democrats will do anything to discredit someone up to and including eliminating them.

  5. The math doesn’t add up. She got pregnant in January and delivered in September??? That’s 8 months and she wants privacy but posted it all over X and other media outlets. DNA test is definitely needed.


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