(Commenting on)  REPORT: Woman forced to throw MAGA hat in trash at game gets team’s apology for staff ‘misunderstanding’



  1. Oh if that was me? They would have had a scene they would not forget. She would have had to tackle me to the ground and then I would have sued her ass. No way would I comply by throwing the hat away! That is unreasonable, putting it in her purse should have been sufficient if the policy was actually there in the first place nothing that ridiculous could be written down! Lmao. I would have left the game and returned to the parking lot at the very least..if I had to give in…but yes a scene it would have been. That team needs to replace that hat, no apologies will suffice.

    • Haven’t watched a game since the REDSKINS changed their name. If the NFL really stood by their words the KC team wouldn’t be called the Chiefs. I still wouldn’t watch, but at least they were consistent. Now, don’t get me started on kneeling for OUR Anthem and the playing of the OTHER anthem.

  2. Fire the bitch security guard. Apparently, she has not read the rules, she can’t read the rules, she doesn’t understand the rules, or she PLAIN doesn’t understand English. I would have created a scene also. I would have asked to see the rules about apparel. As it turns out, there is no rule applying to wearing apparel as long as there is nothing obscene on it. The rule does state specifics and a hat is not one of them.


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