The spokesperson that reported the 54 year old from another country that gained citizenship and vote status. That she was 15 when she arrived here. It makes no mention of how she used to vote…or if she ever has. If she used to vote Democrat or has never voted before, then I can understand her vote this time. She most likely came here because she left an oppressive country. And she sees the exact same pattern going on here now. And she wants no part of it. Smart lady.
Really?? You can Fast Track Illegal citizenship, but not close the Border. So Un-American it’s sickening!
What a shit show. Only in the USA can you come here, break laws, middle finger to immigration laws, then give a cracker jack box citizenship to people who hate us so they can vote us out and shuttle in 3rd world policies.
The spokesperson that reported the 54 year old from another country that gained citizenship and vote status. That she was 15 when she arrived here. It makes no mention of how she used to vote…or if she ever has. If she used to vote Democrat or has never voted before, then I can understand her vote this time. She most likely came here because she left an oppressive country. And she sees the exact same pattern going on here now. And she wants no part of it. Smart lady.
Really?? You can Fast Track Illegal citizenship, but not close the Border. So Un-American it’s sickening!
What a shit show. Only in the USA can you come here, break laws, middle finger to immigration laws, then give a cracker jack box citizenship to people who hate us so they can vote us out and shuttle in 3rd world policies.
Calling BS on the immigration service