(Commenting on)  REPORT: Why bands can’t always stop Trump from playing their music at rallies [See lists of singers for and against Trump]



  1. You would think anyone would be honored to have their music played. For any reason. Can’t take it with ya when you leave this greedy, evil, selfish, world 🌎

  2. He can play anything he wants as long as he’s not selling their songs for money. You buy it, you can play it for anyone you want to.

  3. However… below are just a few of the musicians who DO support Trump, including some who have even written songs specifically in tribute to him:


  4. In that.case I would END playing their songs ,NO longer would I give them FREE advertising I have said it before ..Trump and his team (.plus JD Vance)!can form.his OWN bands ,they write their OWN songs and SCREW the rest. No more BS from these ingrates ,kick them.to the curb..

  5. Thanks for heads up. Now, I will turn off their music when they come on the radio,, will not buy their music nor will I go see them in concert. How about that?

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