(Commenting on)  REPORT: What happens to Tim Walz’s governor seat if he gets elected as VP



  1. Another nut job who bounces when she talks like KAM! God help us these people are off their frikin rocker and commies! No that makes you a horrible parent!
    Your responsibility as a parent, is to protect your child from harm and mental illness needs to be addressed!

  2. ilhan omar will probably slide right in without a vote. Sucking KUNT. Send the bitch back to somalia along with her turban collection.

  3. The people get what they vote for, stupid cannot be fixed, only the strong will survive! God help help them all!

  4. Flanagin is the one who needs help. If your kid comes to you and says he wants to be a she, that kid would get a mental evaluation immediately. The school could do nothing about it, no matter what law walz signed. That child is the parents responsibility until that child is 18 years old because the parent pays the bills for that child.

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