(Commenting on)  REPORT: Voter registration data in crucial swing county shows clear advantage for one party, here’s one person working hard to flip key state to RED



  1. This is glorious to hear. Thank you Mr. Scott Presler. Your incredible fight for President Trump is truly appreciated. May God keep you safe and healthy. We have to FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT and we will. TRUMP VANCE 2024.

  2. Luzerne county PA is where I was born and raised and still live today. There are so many MAGA loving folks here. Scott is amazing!! Just think… if we all worked half that hard, to register a few voters or flip a few friends. Don’t give up! Luzerne county is what put Trump over the top in 2016. We can do it again in 2024!!!

  3. I live in Luzerne county in Pennsylvania. I am a registered Independent. I will be voting RED 2024 🇺🇸 Family members will be voting RED. TRUMP/ VANCE 2024 🇺🇸

  4. God bless Scott Presler for his ambition and hard work!!! Pa. needs someone like him to flip it from blue to red! I am a past resident of York County, Pa. for about 28 yrs. My husband and I moved back to Maine (where he is from) when we retired. Maine sorely needs someone like Scott Presler to flip it from blue to red, also! There are entirely too many Dems/libs in this state!!!

  5. Maine needed to get Republican Paul LePage back in as Governor in 2020 instead of Democrat Janet Mills! I find it hard to believe that LePage lost to Mills but since the 2020 election was stolen by the Dems/libs and we ended up with Biden/Harris instead of Trump, I’m sure that’s what happened with LePage, too!


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