REPORT: Voter registration data in crucial swing county shows clear advantage for one party, here’s one person working hard to flip key state to RED


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From Fox News: A key Pennsylvania swing county just a few miles southwest of President Biden’s birthplace has swung to the Republicans’ favor in voter registration figures, a county party district officer confirmed to Fox News Digital.

Luzerne County, home of the Democratic stronghold of Wilkes-Barre, and surrounded by working-class cities like Hazleton and Pittston, is now light red, with at least 83 more Republicans on the rolls than Democrats as of Thursday.

“We’d all like to thank the Democrats and the Democratic platform because they’re the ones that really inspired people to leave the party and become Republicans,” Luzerne County GOP 119th District Chairman T.J. Fitzgerald said Thursday.

“They get most of the credit, then, of course, the [GOP] grassroots and people themselves.”

Since January, Early Vote Action leader Scott Presler has been working hard to help turn Pennsylvania red, as he has traveled across the state helping to register Republican voters, and encourage them to vote early.

The deadline to register new voters in Pennsylvania is October 21, and Presler is pushing himself to the limit to help flip the state for Trump. Pennsylvania is worth 19 electoral college votes.Trump won the state in 2016, but it was handed to Joe Biden in 2020 by just 80,555 votes.

“We’re out at fairs, we’re going to farmer’s markets, fraternity houses, American Legions, gun stores, supermarkets, gas stations. Our motto is to meet people where they are,” Presler said.

According to a Fox News report on Wednesday, one of the areas Presler has helped flip from blue to red is the town of Quarryville, Pa.

“Four years ago, there were 15,000 more registered Democrats. Now there are nearly 2,000 more registered Republicans. That’s a shift of 16,004 years to the right and a county outside of Philadelphia. That does not happen,” he said.

On Monday, Presler announced:

I can’t describe what I’m feeling.
We flipped Beaver County 🔵🔜🔴.
We flipped Bucks County 🔵🔜🔴.
We flipped Luzerne County 🔵🔜🔴.
This November, we’ll flip Pennsylvania 🔵🔜🔴.
My heart is singing so loudly, I can’t even control it.

Presler posted a video while at the Trump rally in Indiana, Pennsylvania on Monday and announced the breaking news: “We have flipped Luzerne County from blue to RED!”

“WE DID IT! IT IS DONE! We flipped Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, from 🔵🔜🔴. This is monumental, earth-shattering, ground shaking news. Thank you to EVERY single volunteer that contributed to this victory!” he wrote.

On Tuesday, Presler shared the following update:

Pennsylvania News: A week ago, democrats had an advantage of 343,071.
Today, that lead has been narrowed to 338,396.
🔵 gained 7,940 voters, while 🔴 gained a whopping 12,615 voters.
Yes, our team is registering more voters than Taylor Swift.
CC: @EarlyVoteAction

Presler announced on Wednesday:

Since 2020,

  • democrats are down -300,000 voter registrations from where they were 4 years ago
  • democrats are down -300,000 mail-in ballot requests from where they were 4 years ago
  • We’ve flipped Beaver, Berks, Bucks, & Luzerne counties from 🔵🔜🔴.

Pennsylvania is in play.

Presler posted a video, showing Trump signs everywhere as he drives down a road:

Last weekend, Presler posted the following message to Trump:

President Trump, I don’t know if you’ll see this, but I spoke to an Amish man last night that really wants you to come to Lancaster, PA. He said more Amish people would be able to attend to your rally if it’s on a Saturday. He also suggested to advertise in the local newspaper, so the Amish will be able to read about it.

Democrat Governor Shapiro & the Dept. of Agriculture are waging a war on raw milk, farmers, & the Amish. By doing a rally in Lancaster — connecting w/ the Amish — you could very well win Pennsylvania.

Presler was interviewed by Real America’s Voice Thursday morning.

Last week, Presler blue the whistle on Luzerne County Board of Elections, who reportedly has THOUSANDS of unprocessed voter registration & mail-ballot applications. He wrote:

There’s a rumor that the Luzerne County Board of Elections has THOUSANDS of unprocessed voter registration & mail-ballot applications. During a recent visit, a reliable source even heard a staffer say at the BOE, “I hope we can get them done in time.”

This is the same county that ➡️ran out of paper⬅️ on Election Day in 2022. Why is this important? October 21st is the LAST day to register to vote. October 29th is the LAST day to request a mail-in ballot. If the Luzerne County BOE is backlogged by the thousands, this could disenfranchise voters. Even worse, ballots are already being mailed.

A Right-To-know request has been filed. We will get to the bottom of this. By the way, the office installed curtains up everywhere.

On Wednesday he shared an update on the situation:

Last week, I blew the whistle that the Luzerne County Board of Elections had a backlog of thousands of voter registrations. We were told this was a “rumor.” According to a Sept. 23 press release, there are 4,101 pending voter registration applications.

“Wanted to take a moment to thank each of you. Never thought this would be my life. This has been the greatest opportunity of a lifetime. I promise to spend the next 42 days doing everything in my power to help re-elect President Trump. Mom & dad, thank you for giving me life,” Presler wrote in a social media post on Monday.

Daniel Chamberlain, Retired Special Agent with Air Force Office of Special Investigations, wrote, “Let’s hear it for Scott. He’s done the work of thousands…”

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