Never should have, this has nothing to do with their service connection medical issues. I have a husband who has Purple Heart which gets him higher medical help because he was injured overseas serving our country!
If you have a penis you are a male/man/boy. If you have a vagina you are a female/woman/girl. That is the way God made you. Stop trying to play God!!
The VA is not for elective surgery. There is, however, services provide for mental illness, which this gender disphoria is. So treat that.
Good. Veterans need good quality healthcare and not this kind of nonsense.
Thank goodness
Never should have, this has nothing to do with their service connection medical issues. I have a husband who has Purple Heart which gets him higher medical help because he was injured overseas serving our country!
Fantastic! You wanna lop your sex parts off do it on your own dime!
Now the adults are back in charge we are no longer paying for illegals to get care too
It’s an elective surgery. Tax payers should never have to foot the bill regardless of who, what, where, when or why.
If you have a penis you are a male/man/boy. If you have a vagina you are a female/woman/girl. That is the way God made you. Stop trying to play God!!
The VA is not for elective surgery. There is, however, services provide for mental illness, which this gender disphoria is. So treat that.
Good. Veterans need good quality healthcare and not this kind of nonsense.