(Commenting on)  REPORT: UK Labour Gov’t Announces Crackdown on Retailers to Combat Knife Crime



  1. So the UK doesn’t care that criminals will harm citizens at all. I noticed what looks like one of my Cutco knives in the picture of banned knives. So Brits are going to have to cut their steaks with butter knives. Ridiculous!!! What are they going to ban next: cars, pipes, rocks, fists, etc.?

  2. How about banning stupid government officials who make these laws!! And yes, ban Islamic illegals!! You Brits need to grow sad one bslls and stand up against your communist government!! That’s what the revolutionary war was all about!! Wake up people!!

  3. Screw the uk. Sounds like they care more about criminal cockroach freeloading maggots than their citizens. They should concern themselves with departing all the cockroach invaders instead of restricting knives.

  4. And of course knifes can’t be MADE. Good move idiots . As the Muslims laugh their criminal asses off and continue to get away with everything. That govt is liable for the murders ..

  5. Hmm, the stupidity continues. The sheepeople will march to cliff, this gets the commie politicians one step closer to the “jump” command. Guns, knives and assuming vehicles are next on the list. We the people’s republic is next just waiting on the generations that are in the way to die off, it will happen in time. The little punks have been indoctrinated so it will be much easier in the future, can one imagine how our republic will look? Oh I forgot we will no longer be a republic. Socialism will be the new norm.

  6. Damn. There goes the sushi chef. Maybe UK should make paper knives. How about banking muslims and kick them out of the UK? That way sushi chefs can stay employed.


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