(Commenting on)  REPORT: Trump dominating Harris among certain class of voters nationwide



    DHUMB BHITCH 25% !!!!!

  2. I definitely don’t believe the numbers. Who and where are the polls coming from?
    I still haven’t had anyone poll me.

  3. These are the percentages after the 15% of invaders with voting cards, when the democrats bring tubs of ballots out after everyone sent home them run through machines , after five or six days of counting ballots after voting to discover how many ballots they “ need to find” !!! It is shaping up as a

  4. I am a college graduate and support Trump. Honestly, were are these idiots?? Why would anyone want what’s going on indefinitely???? I’ll be homeless!

  5. They will cheat to get her in there. There are a lot of liberals out there also. Spiritual warfare. Christians pray in groups at church’s or at your homes . Gather people together across America and pray. God will heal our land if we do

  6. 🇺🇸 I agree Karen!!!! We must pray like never before!!!🙏🏽 GOD PLEASE HELP US!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!❤️🤍💙

  7. This must the class with the most sense. This is the class who are worried whether they will be able to pay their mortgage plus buy groceries plus pay power bill plus pay child care . This is the class who pays attention to where this government is taking us. This is the class who go to work every day to pay for all these who don’t. If you get the idea that this class Business ticks me off you are so right.

  8. WTF is it with the women supporting Harris… Is it just because she is a woman??? Certainly not because of policy…

  9. The only reason college grad section is dominating in that group is from the radical leftist BS taught students by liberal college professors indoctrinating them. I call bullshit to these polls. I have a college degree but got my degree while I worked full time different shifts. Day shifts required night classes, night shifts required day classes. Funded my own education with no college debt. And I didn’t sit beside some punk-ass 19 year old with a liberal mind set. I did nothing but work full time, and study, learn, and progress and build flight hours while doing it all. It was a rough, grueling 5 years.

  10. Voters who did not attend college at all support Trump with 53%, compared to 38% for Harris. This is again BS. Does that mean that people who attended Trade Schools – electricians, plumbers, AC technicians, home building and woodworking specialists, aircraft mechanics, auto mechanics, mechanics who repair 16 wheelers and school buses. Why aren’t those people included in some form here. They are called Tradesmen and Tradeswomen. This really pisses me off. A trade school is a college for a specific trade. These polls are putting people in a category insinuating they are dumb. Bullshit.

  11. I don’t believe that! Most everyone I know is voting for Trump with a few exceptions. Most of them also have a college degree and are both male and female. I also live in a blue state and no several ex Dems now.

  12. Remember the media will always said that democrats are ahead in the polls. They just want to make it look they are winning, Is their game the truth Trump/Vance are people choice. Don’t worry, we can’t trust the media neither the polls. Trump 2024❤️🇺🇸

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