Dont let these activists off the hook. Consider them a part of the democrat criminal conspiracy. Investigate them asap for money ties to DNc. Them make arrests and search warrants. Use their playbook against them.
So this LibTard group doesn’t care that the outgoing “President ” was the most CORRUPT one that we’ve ever had and don’t care that he just PARDONED is whole corrupt administration. But they don’t want the US GOVERNMENT pared down to only need services. Just tells one how IGNORANT they are!
Willing to bet these are Soros funded
It boggles the mind, doesn’t it?
Just another radical democrat traitor club. Jail will look good on them.
lol- who has been skirting the law! Biden/ Harris and the Swamp! What a joke.
democRATS are disgusting. We are trying to cut spending, and these a$$holes are,fighting us every step of the way.
Sounds like a bunch of sore losers who just want more spending. Only want to stymie President Trump even if it hurts the rest of us.
They are not going to let him skirt the law, the only ones allowed to skirt the law are the democrats.
Congress should PASS A LAW nation wide saying that if you bring a lawsuit for any reason and you loose that lawsuit in court, you pay the bill for the entire case. All court costs and lawyers fees for the defendant. That should put an end to these frivolous bull 💩 law suits. That’s the kind of Communist they are. If they had their way they would have check points on every county road and you would have to show your papers and a reason for traveling.
So true J!!!!
Dont let these activists off the hook. Consider them a part of the democrat criminal conspiracy. Investigate them asap for money ties to DNc. Them make arrests and search warrants. Use their playbook against them.
So this LibTard group doesn’t care that the outgoing “President ” was the most CORRUPT one that we’ve ever had and don’t care that he just PARDONED is whole corrupt administration. But they don’t want the US GOVERNMENT pared down to only need services. Just tells one how IGNORANT they are!
Willing to bet these are Soros funded
It boggles the mind, doesn’t it?
Just another radical democrat traitor club. Jail will look good on them.
lol- who has been skirting the law! Biden/ Harris and the Swamp! What a joke.
democRATS are disgusting. We are trying to cut spending, and these a$$holes are,fighting us every step of the way.