(Commenting on)  REPORT: Trump Admin Deals Fatal Blow To Massive Refugee Flights



  1. You cannot make up the insanity of the corrupt commie politicians and what they have created at we the people’s expense. WTF and why was this ever allowed to begin with, this is your devil DEMONcrate commie sorry asses and their cult of dummy followers destroying your republic with we the peoples money. Unimaginable the ignorance that we are dealing with.

  2. Thank you. I am so tired of refuges wanting to come here but they don’t speak English nor do they want to learn and will not accept the American way of life.

  3. I love the comment from the reporter ” refugees typically come from ” and then makes the typical list. However under Biden everyone was a refugee every country was flesh for America.
    Trump is stopping the insanity sadly it hasn’t come soon enough and we are left with a mess.

  4. The afghan Alliance can go pound sand. Biden has flown in hundreds of thousands of them. After over 3 years of taxpayer paid flights, I’m sure that any and all who helped are long since here … and on taxpayer paid welfare.

    Syria? Yeah, we need more protesters yelling “ death to America”. Venezuela? Are you kidding me?!? Sure, we need more TdA gang members. Biden already imported all of that country’s refuse.

    Haitians need to return home too. They will not now or ever assimilate. Trump mentions Charleroi and Springfield specifically. Why? Because those towns are totally overwhelmed with Haitians who couldn’t care less about America, its people or our culture. They are here, like millions of others, for that free ride on our backs.

    Biden’s abuses of immigration like massive parole, TPS, and who knows what else, should ALL be cancelled. We know that it wasn’t really him running this country. Non compos mentis which means he lacked sufficient cognition to make any kind of order.

    I heard yesterday that there’s a $750 reward to turn in an illegal that results in deportation. Let’s get those mofos scared to see the light of day and self deport.

  5. Why not make it permanent, not temporary cancellation of flights…..make them permanent never to be booked again. Thank you President Trump. Not only did President Trump hit the ground running, he hit the ground galloping.

  6. How surprising was this really? These people should have changed their plans the day Trump won the presidency. He made it clear throughout his campaign that he would hault current operations.


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