(Commenting on)  REPORT: Trudeau announces immigration restrictions as electoral defeat looms



  1. I’m sure Canadians are proud of their immigration just like Americans are!

  2. He’s just trying to save his ass ! Pierre Poilivere is going to take over Canada and get them back on track πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

  3. I love watching how they do politics in Canada. We need to do that here. The president and opposition party have to spar it out in the open for all to see..

  4. Did you notice in 2016/2020
    Around the world in Western countries the same game plan happen. A liberal win and took over all having the same game plan. Conservatives were rascist and cruel and liberals opened borders cracked down on patriots and allowed lawlessness plus identity politics to run rampant. Plus climate change became the most important thing and all changes in laws and regulations.
    Trump interrupted that plan by winning 2016 in the US however they made sure 2020 he didn’t.
    Yet the people woke up.
    Truedo is a perfect example of a dangerous leader and how his people have woke up

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