(Commenting on)  REPORT: Trans women ’every bit as ‘biologically female’ as cis women,’ lawmaker claims



  1. 1st off I hate the term Cis! I am not a made up word anything I am a women.
    I am not safe with a biological male in women’s spaces. Stick to your own gender! Thank you

  2. So sick of these swing dicks want to play like their woman !!! You are not a woman he don’t matter how loud you scream it !!! I am born woman, mother , wife and you don’t come close to that !!! Pretending doesn’t cut it

  3. This is what happens when you let this mental illness get out of hand. Allowing them anything they want. The Republicans had no balls to stop this crap when the Dems pushed for it.

  4. Im confused, its a man, that thinks he’s a woman, who likes to be with another man…. or a woman….or is there an animal thrown in somewhere…

  5. He thinks because people are nice to him that they’ll let him in the bathroom with their little girls… I’d like to see him try it! lol!

  6. Seems like I remember sometime back we are supposed to “follow the science”
    But here we are. Who votes for these idiots?
    Everyday it just gets weirder and weirder.
    Can’t wait until January 20th

  7. He’s similar to the “it” that did the Bud Lite ads I have a feeling that Dems changed their voting registration to GOP to vote this idiot in to be an irritant to us and to buck anything we push and prob being paid by the D’s/Soros

  8. WTF? A man is a man and a woman is a woman period! They want to play a game go home and masquerade around someone who wants to play your sick little game!

  9. I think he is talking out of his penis since that is his new mouthpiece. Brain dead idiot. Get the hell; no, get the fuck out of my way. You are not and will never be a woman. Don’t even try. If I were on a team, we would wait until you left or push you the hell out of the way. YOU WOULD NOT COMPETE ON OUR TEAM, PERIOD.

  10. Oh really, do you get a period,can you give birth, be able to breast feed a baby, will you go through menopause & have hot flashes? And let’s see what your DNA says!

  11. You freaky little prick. Your DNA says it all. You are a pussy man acting like a female. Get over yourself. You will never be a woman. What an ugly gross looking thing.

  12. Can’t wait until President Trump ends story time and show-and-tell!!

    These children will walk away crying for not being able to continue on.

  13. 😂😂😂 can deny and pretend and imagine all they want. If you’re born with male parts, you’re male. Period!!! That’s the science and that’s biological fact. But then again what dimwit nitwit mentally sick liberal would acknowledge facts

  14. The transition professionals didn’t do a very good job on this one. In many cases, they do a fantastic job, when a dude actually looks like Melania or Mrs. Gaetz.


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