(Commenting on)  REPORT: Three states sue Trump administration to protect gender-altering procedures for kids



  1. Why would any medical professional be able to perform sex change procedures on a minor?!!! It’s absurd. Even if it is okayed by parent is not ok in my opinion! Is the parent not happy with the gender that they were blessed by God with in the first place?!!!

  2. I feel it’s about time for the parents to take back, what was taken from them. These democrats have indoctrinated our young for too long. No child should be able to make this choice, and also bad pad parents as well. I believe a decision this big, should not be until the brain is fully developed in their 20’s.

  3. Praying the courts see that this is child abuse. Wait until 18 years if they haven’t come out of their dysphoria. Many change their minds.

  4. This is Evil and Insane, what do liberals always say but never mean it, it’s all about protecting the Children, Gender Altering is not protecting children, it goes against what God created in the Womb, Our Children need protection from evil phony corrupt government like those that promote this INSANITY !!!

  5. GTFOH you perverted filth attorneys. May you all rot in hell for allowing children under 18 who can’t get their faces out of their phones, and can’t make decisions on which t-shirt they are wearing tomorrow to commit to gender-altering procedures which may be irreversible. We don’t get to choose our sex. We are born male or female. You people are insane cockroaches. You know what we do when we see a cockroach or maggot. We step on it. Of course it’s the liberal puke states doing this. Why don’t these states just secede from the United States of America. Parents are responsible and make decisions for their kids, not the state or the school. I hope every one of these asses has a dozen lawsuits against them for hundreds of millions. Freeze their assets and make them pay out to kids who have done irreversible surgeries or have used gender-altering procedures. It’s only a matter of time where one attorney gets sued for a huge sum of money and damages, and the parents/child wins it all. It will set a precedent for future lawsuits.

  6. The federal government need to arrest all these IDIOTS for child abuse and crimes against humanity!!! What they are doing is wrong!!!


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