20 years of NATO and American troops fighting to stop the Taliban from garnering control of that country was a waste of precious life all because Bidens incompetence in our withdrawal. People need to be held accountable for this.
Why don’t these women over throw all these morons? Women are smarter than these men. Wake up ladies the rest of the world is laughing at you allowing men to enslave you
Indeed .I agree 100 % with you .
I’m sure beheadings is a fear among women in that region.
And you have IDIOTS in America that praise this type of government.
Not America’s problem.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸We have our own issues. Stay in the Middle East!!
And where is the almighty wondrous UNITED NATIONS to step in and raise Holy Hell about this??!!! I notice that any female agenda all around the world is the least on any list of righteous indignation. And certainly even in the BS WOKE RADICAL pushing aggressively the non-existent “rights” of Transgenders (who are an almost negligible part of the population) even when it actually endangers real women. AND is setting back civil rights for gay Americans practically to the Stone Age.
Phuck the Taliban and their racist misogynistic bullshit! The Taliban needs to be taken out and I don’t mean on a date, either! 😂 LOL!
20 years of NATO and American troops fighting to stop the Taliban from garnering control of that country was a waste of precious life all because Bidens incompetence in our withdrawal. People need to be held accountable for this.
Why don’t these women over throw all these morons? Women are smarter than these men. Wake up ladies the rest of the world is laughing at you allowing men to enslave you
Indeed .I agree 100 % with you .
I’m sure beheadings is a fear among women in that region.
And you have IDIOTS in America that praise this type of government.
Not America’s problem.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸We have our own issues. Stay in the Middle East!!
And where is the almighty wondrous UNITED NATIONS to step in and raise Holy Hell about this??!!! I notice that any female agenda all around the world is the least on any list of righteous indignation. And certainly even in the BS WOKE RADICAL pushing aggressively the non-existent “rights” of Transgenders (who are an almost negligible part of the population) even when it actually endangers real women. AND is setting back civil rights for gay Americans practically to the Stone Age.
Phuck the Taliban and their racist misogynistic bullshit! The Taliban needs to be taken out and I don’t mean on a date, either! 😂 LOL!