(Commenting on)  REPORT: Ted Cruz issues warning against underestimating Kamala Harris



  1. I agree wholeheartedly. There is a plan and Republicans need to be pointing out her policies are the same if not worse than Biden. She is anti Israel and will have the votes of Muslims who weren’t going to vote for Biden or Trump. She is very dangerous.

  2. I heard where someone said she shouldn’t pick Gov of PA because he is Jewish.
    I guess that person doesn’t understand she is married to a Jewish man!
    Makes you wonder why she is anti Israel.

  3. We all know Trump has the ability to beat her. BUT you have to consider the power of the corrupt media. In the same way the media brainwashed people to hate Trump, they will also use their influence to make Kamala the queen of everything! Also anytime Trump say anything against her, they’ll call him the biggest racist ever! She has covered up and lied to the American people repeatedly and has had no accomplishments!!

  4. He’s right don’t underestimate her. Liberal Milwaukee media and mayor is embracing her 100%. And her big stance on abortion will win over a lot of votes.

  5. I have to agree with DML and Cruz. Do Not underestimate the left. They will cheat and have probably already started. Kamala has a huge amount of money and she has the MSM. Hollywood will come out in droves. We need to be prepared. If for some reason she gets elected she will be worse than Biden. She’s is so far left it’s scary. The nexts few months the right needs to prepare for anything and everything. I do not trust any of them. Continued PRAYERS for Trump, his family and those who support him.

    • Agree 💯. We must continue to “fight, fight. Fight” and not take anything for granted because Dems will cheat at every chance they can! Obumer and his cronies will stop at nothing to remain in power for a fourth term.

  6. It’s a two part ploy, the attraction of Kamala and her extreme political stance for the wacky leftist, and the cunning political evil establishment that is now promoting her with deep funds rolling in. Then here’s Kamala like a deer in headlights being led around destroying our country.

  7. Mother Theresa did NOT have the ability to lead a nation. If camel toe harris is equal to, she’s not qualified either.

  8. Wasn’t there some talk previously about Harris not being qualified for President because of her citizenship or something like that? Does anyone remember? Can that be checked out more?

    Yes, media will spin her as the next best thing since sliced bread.

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