(Commenting on)  REPORT: Tech CEO who went viral for pro-Trump email defends call to action



  1. I completely agree with the CEO except for one thing. Zuckerberg admitting he pushed the Dems narrative is not the same as fixing the problem. It’s like when your kid admits to some issues so you won’t look into the rest..

  2. I’m a senior citizen Trump supporter and meet informally with a group of like minded women. We are all kind, family oriented, faith based people who support the policies of DJT. None of us march in protest, belittle others for their political beliefs or harass. I’ve met MANY other Trump supporters in various walks of life who are the same. Hopefully we are the silent majority and will get DJT elected.
    Just like RFK Jrs former running mate’s parody….you need to get to know the MAGA crowd. We’re pretty normal people who love our country. 🇺🇸✝️


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