(Commenting on)  REPORT: Supreme Court rule change comes after Democrats criticized Thomas



  1. Hey you dumb asses from Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, DC, what did we expect from a far leftist group of cockroaches just like YOU cockroaches. Do you realize that joe biden will also allegedly be protected and won’t have to disclose those million dollar stays of lodging, dining, and drinks from biollionaire Joe Kiani. Do you actually think joe biden goes out to dinner when staying at a luxurious place like that? Joe Kiani is picking up the tab for the prez and the first lady. Los Angeles Times – “Aug 23, 2024 · President Biden is staying at the estate of billionaire Democratic donor Joe Kiani. The estate is a working organic vineyard that grows Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz grapes.”. You dumb ass cockroaches don’t even realize that this will filter down to all members of Congress eventually. Guess KNOT because you morons have your butt floss thong underwear in a KNOT.


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