(Commenting on)  REPORT: State to Use Nearly $20 Million in Federal Grants on Electric School Buses



  1. Federal monies should NOT be available to a lame duck administration to distribute. Period.

    In the case of electric vehicles, so many are sitting unable to be used for a plethora of reasons that throwing good money after bad is a very questionable decision anyway.

  2. NO, it’s we the peoples hard earned money that these commies continue to waste in record amounts. Enough of this ridiculous waste of our money. It’s not a f’n grant it’s another we the peoples loan we are forced to pay scumbags.

  3. $285K per bus and charging station, what a F’ing bargain for the US taxpayers. I’m sure no one thought about the fact that EV’s do poorly in a cold climate as the batteries fail prematurely.

  4. Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t there bond measures on this past election ballots to repair schools that were degrading that they were crying about, and now they’re given grants to buy Electric school buses at exorbitant prices. Why aren’t they using the grant money to fix the schools up instead of having the bond measures that end up going on our home taxes what a waste of money,it never ends.

  5. If I lived in Illinois , my child would not ride in death trap !! We have seen electric cars, fire engines and trucks go up in flames !!! This a waste of taxpayer money but what do you expect from liberal idiots in Illinois

  6. Just freaking ridiculous!!! Illinois may be hot in the summer, but it definitely isn’t in the winter! It’s cold! EV’s do not fare well in cold weather! Stupid is as stupid does!!!

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