(Commenting on)  REPORT: State reportedly planning to bus illegal aliens directly to ICE instead of sanctuary cities



  1. Sounds like we should have ICE Detention Centers in states near Sanctuary states and load up the buses in Sanctuary cities and process them for deportation every day after Jan 20th. I vote for airlifts out. Have each detention center process aliens from a specific country so immediately after processing they can board a plan for home country. Easy peasy!

  2. Problem is the illigals wanted the bus ride to liberal sanctuary cities. They are not going to go peacefully to a deportation center

  3. Wonderful idea! How about other red states expanding this to by not allowing passage of the buses thru their state? Just have an ICE checkpoint that checks buses seeking to pass thru- if it’s full of illegals, ICE SS ends them to deportation centers. Would be along the lines of sobriety checkpoints. Same thing at airports. Airplane full of illegals, they are immediately transferred to buses taking them to deportation centers. Expand that to no free airplane rides too. Keep the mofos in blue states. And Congress passing a law saying illegals are counted in the census and no redistribution of House seats go towards illegals.

  4. I think there should be Ice Members on the bus. Armed I may add or else criminals on the bus will take the bus over and kill the driver perhaps. Good idea but things needs to be well thought out and planned for safety.

  5. Hey anyone seeing this message interstate 70 east from Colorado to Missouri illegal aliens from Venezuela are putting skimmers on ATMs at banks and truck stops.
    Two of them were arrested twenty minutes away from me.

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