(Commenting on)  REPORT: State purging hundreds of noncitizens registered to vote after audit exposes flaws



    • Illegals in Kommiefornia have been voting for years. ANY illegal getting a driver’s license gets to register. Know this personally. Stood in line behind an illegal getting. CADL. Clerk told him to go to next window and register to vote (he did, I watched). I was next in line and told the clerk that it was illegal for him to vote. She said if she didn’t tell him, she would be fired on the spot- governor has mandated it. 😡

  1. Yes and make sure everyone that is registered to vote is actually alive and only registered once. Every State should make voters show ID. And then that ID checked to make sure that person can vote. That’s what is done in Indiana and should be in every State.

  2. Why isn’t every state mandated to do this? This country is so f’ed if we don’t get control of and follow the voting laws !! voter ID should be required!!!

  3. How about deporting all of these non-citizens who tried to illegally vote? Wonder how many are illegals let in by Biden /Harris in order to steal another election?

  4. Think they could be polling only registered democrats and half if this democrats are going for Trump is why they are so close? Nothing would surprise me with them. Easier to cheat this way, like they did with Hillary. Hillary couldn’t fill a high school gym with a rapper even. I pray God saved Trump for the reason he is the only president who is able to save this country, then there’s Revelation. C 13. I do believe we are living in Revelation right now and have been for quite some time now. It’s all in Gods hands and I pray and vote for the best to turn out.

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