(Commenting on)  REPORT: State AG exposes ICE’s plan to release illegal aliens convicted of dangerous crimes into state



  1. Get that fucking bimbo kunt kamala and throw her ass in jail right now for treason along with joe biden and the cone head mayorkas. They are all complicit. That bimbo says the border is closed. It is not closed. Does she think Americans are stupid? You watch, there is going to be a big deal here in the US pretty soon if these cockroaches keep coming and being released.

  2. This so called Administration is so corrupt, it is literally sickening.Yep they think Americans are dumb.I got their number🤥-🤥🤥🤥-🤥🤥🤥🤥1-800-lies.

  3. Go Tennessee! Every state is ravaged with illegal invaders now! How is this legal ?? And no one is in prison for destroying our Country 🇺🇸BS Kamala and Biden and the rest of the un-Americans ruining our country need to go to Prison!! They make laws up for their benefit every day, and get by with it!!

  4. Tennessee caught on and stopped it but how many other states were these criminals deliberately dumped in? And I don’t doubt that TN still got a bunch of them dropped there when no one was looking. Our government leaders are truly evil in their quest to cause chaos and destroy the country by design. Maybe it’s time to move to El Salvador. Their new president has cleaned the place up while our leaders are tearing this place down.


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