Just when you think it couldn’t get any nuttier, here we are! Meanwhile vets are still homeless on the streets! Make it make sense!
Way to go democrats!!! You will own nothing and be happy about it!!! How can you possibly that dumb?
The plan is to have certain people own nothing.
Gavin Newscum’s photo looks like satan himself laughing at everyone! What a disaster California has become! The obvious is that person whose mugshot was posted and is the author of said legislation is bowing to the requirements for staying out of prison. They use such disgusting behavior to bribe members to pass legislation that is absolutely ridiculous and it appears that most in office are so corrupt they can be bribed and bought and paid for! Horrible!!
Illegal shitbags who won’t even take care of a house get to have one for just about free. And there are Vets and homeless in need and they are kicked under the bus. Shameful.
The devil is running that state!! 😖😖
Newscum needs to be removed from office along with this demonrat.
This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard. Every American needs to file a discrimination lawsuit against this Stare and out government.
These criminals need to be deported.
I’m 71. I’m a senior still working. I live in an overpriced apartment. Where’s my new home for free?
I agree . I am 72 and still working but made a little too much money this pass year and so between my husband and myself we were taxed extra !! $3,700 on our SS .
Let’s hope Our President TRUMP wins BIGLY and he stops taxing of SS!
🇺🇲 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇲
My question is why are there normal people that still live there?? Get the hell out of this state!
We the legal law abiding citizens, Do not owe people who broke our laws and entered our country illegally a Damn thing, Are you law abiding citizens of California going to let this SHIT stand . LOOKS LIKE The REVOLUTION Needs to Start in California. Are there any PATRIOTS left in California. That man needs to hear from you ALL. I spent my Time in the Navy in California hate what has happened to that State.
Let’s see Boston, Australia and Californication….Vote for Stupid leaders, get STUPID RESULTS!!!
Joaquin Arambula is, or will soon be, worth a few more million dollars. A dependant and controllable population is the obvious goal.
Joaquin Arambula is, or will be, a few million dollars richer. A controllable and dependant population is the goal. Navin Gruesome wants nothing to do with being controllable or dependant.
newscome looks like the sleaziest of used car salesmen. What a scumbag.
I can see were this is going. Sqauters. You can not afford your home but you can stay in it.
So the American dream is now given to nine Americans who are here illegally. You wonder why millions are coming over the border. This isn’t just about votes this is about changing the face of America and people who are easily controlled
Vote for these dems and your children and grad children will have no opportunities. As illegals will havethe jobs now the homes. Wake up Americans!!
how about when they come to get their beautifull new home we grab them and stuff them into a cargo jet bound for wherever but not here.
We all know how thats going to work out and who will be bailing out the banks for the bad loans. Yep! You and I.
Mighty nice of us tax payers to cover the costs political pandering. 😇
Waste of time.
TRUMP will DEPORT these ILLEGALS when he is elected President.
Just when you think it couldn’t get any nuttier, here we are! Meanwhile vets are still homeless on the streets! Make it make sense!
Way to go democrats!!! You will own nothing and be happy about it!!! How can you possibly that dumb?
The plan is to have certain people own nothing.
Gavin Newscum’s photo looks like satan himself laughing at everyone! What a disaster California has become! The obvious is that person whose mugshot was posted and is the author of said legislation is bowing to the requirements for staying out of prison. They use such disgusting behavior to bribe members to pass legislation that is absolutely ridiculous and it appears that most in office are so corrupt they can be bribed and bought and paid for! Horrible!!
Illegal shitbags who won’t even take care of a house get to have one for just about free. And there are Vets and homeless in need and they are kicked under the bus. Shameful.
The devil is running that state!! 😖😖
Newscum needs to be removed from office along with this demonrat.
This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard. Every American needs to file a discrimination lawsuit against this Stare and out government.
These criminals need to be deported.
I’m 71. I’m a senior still working. I live in an overpriced apartment. Where’s my new home for free?
I agree . I am 72 and still working but made a little too much money this pass year and so between my husband and myself we were taxed extra !! $3,700 on our SS .
Let’s hope Our President TRUMP wins BIGLY and he stops taxing of SS!
🇺🇲 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇲
My question is why are there normal people that still live there?? Get the hell out of this state!
We the legal law abiding citizens, Do not owe people who broke our laws and entered our country illegally a Damn thing, Are you law abiding citizens of California going to let this SHIT stand . LOOKS LIKE The REVOLUTION Needs to Start in California. Are there any PATRIOTS left in California. That man needs to hear from you ALL. I spent my Time in the Navy in California hate what has happened to that State.
Let’s see Boston, Australia and Californication….Vote for Stupid leaders, get STUPID RESULTS!!!
Joaquin Arambula is, or will soon be, worth a few more million dollars. A dependant and controllable population is the obvious goal.
Joaquin Arambula is, or will be, a few million dollars richer. A controllable and dependant population is the goal. Navin Gruesome wants nothing to do with being controllable or dependant.
newscome looks like the sleaziest of used car salesmen. What a scumbag.
I can see were this is going. Sqauters. You can not afford your home but you can stay in it.
So the American dream is now given to nine Americans who are here illegally. You wonder why millions are coming over the border. This isn’t just about votes this is about changing the face of America and people who are easily controlled
Vote for these dems and your children and grad children will have no opportunities. As illegals will havethe jobs now the homes. Wake up Americans!!
how about when they come to get their beautifull new home we grab them and stuff them into a cargo jet bound for wherever but not here.
We all know how thats going to work out and who will be bailing out the banks for the bad loans. Yep! You and I.
Mighty nice of us tax payers to cover the costs political pandering. 😇
Waste of time.
TRUMP will DEPORT these ILLEGALS when he is elected President.