Who the hell needs the old green lady anyway hey Maybe we can scrap it and add the proceeds to the national deficit sounds like a good idea to me. Reply
These same sarky French socialists were also at one time demanding we exhume and repatriated the bones of those brave American heroes who gave their lives liberating France from Nazi/Vichy rule. Reply
Hmmm and we see who’s taking over your socialistic libTARD country and good f’n luck your gonna need lots of it. Ignorant souls Reply
Ask the Socialist if they Spreck Sie Deutz, excuse the spelling. If they no. Say you’re welcome!!! Reply
You will never get it! One dumb ass liberal Democrat in France wants it back. Not happening! We will keep🗽 Reply
If I knew his address I send him one of those gift shop ones! Imagine if thousands of of people would do the same ! Reply
You sent it here, you come over and try to take it back
Who the hell needs the old green lady anyway hey Maybe we can scrap it and add the proceeds to the national deficit sounds like a good idea to me.
These same sarky French socialists were also at one time demanding we exhume and repatriated the bones of those brave American heroes who gave their lives liberating France from Nazi/Vichy rule.
Hmmm and we see who’s taking over your socialistic libTARD country and good f’n luck your gonna need lots of it. Ignorant souls
Is their escargot making the French dumber?
The Statue of Liberty is really a symbol of slavery do your research
Ask the Socialist if they Spreck Sie Deutz, excuse the spelling. If they no. Say you’re welcome!!!
You will never get it! One dumb ass liberal Democrat in France wants it back. Not happening! We will keep🗽
If I knew his address I send him one of those gift shop ones! Imagine if thousands of of people would do the same !
Can you repeat that in German for me?