(Commenting on)  REPORT: Shocking percentage of Chicago public school teachers keep their kids out of public schools



  1. NEWS FLASH!! The top execs of the corporations that own food manufacturers don’t eat or feed that poison to their families either. I didn’t need a degree in any profession to make the decision to financially cripple myself to educate my 3 children privately from first grade to their undergraduate degree.

  2. SURPRISE! Absolutely should be mandatory that these scumbag phonies kids attend public schools, you clowns have ruined the educational system so all should enjoy the benefits you clowns have created.

  3. They don’t call Chicago “little Chiraq” for nothing. Especially on the south side.
    It’s bad there. And I’m so happy that the DNC is holding their rally there!!!

    There is no way I’d send my kid to a school. Let alone live there. 💩👹💯%

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