(Commenting on)  REPORT: Shocking moment illegal alien watches himself torching woman to death on subway



  1. He could sure standup straight and long enough to watch her burn. And he sure knew how to set her on fire.
    He’s not remorseful or honest about not remembering. He’s just scared.

  2. How many more people were harmed or murdered by this guy not caught on tape. I don’t believe the drunk thing. I’d go with the theory he is a serial killer.

  3. The bleeding heart liberals will say he was drunk and doesn’t remember anything so we should feel sorry for him. He will be let go with barely a slap on the wrist.

  4. Needs swift death penalty! Biden/ Harris have so much blood on their hands.. President Trump through the scum out of our country, Biden/ Harris let them back in! They need to be convicted of tons of felonies.Letting known killers into our country and all the other crap they are pulling right up until January 20th. Whoever is pulling the strings at the White House right now,is officially insane😉 I think the Supreme Court should of stepped in when President Trump Won Nov.5,2024 and said no BS stunts will be pulled to make the transition of power smooth. Wishful thinking I see now🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸* We need Law and Order⚖️ not bogus BS

  5. He deserves the Death Penalty! He won’t get it! He is lying about being drunk and does not remember! BS! He watched her burn! He knew if he came to NY and to a Sanctuary city he won’t get the Death penalty unless he kills a NY City Police officer! He is a killer and a liar! Democrats Soft on crime policy caused all of this! The blood is on their hands! New York deserves what they voted for!!!!!!!!! 🤨

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