How could they be shocked. Wrong doing has consequences. I suppose they didn’t think Our President Trump would ever get elected again. Stupid is as stupid does.
I can’t believe they have the balls to stay or think it was ok to stay after what they have done…. they hope fired is all they get.. could be charged with treason..
Fantastic! You knew it was BS!
How could they be shocked. Wrong doing has consequences. I suppose they didn’t think Our President Trump would ever get elected again. Stupid is as stupid does.
Goodbye and good riddins’!!
I can’t believe they have the balls to stay or think it was ok to stay after what they have done…. they hope fired is all they get.. could be charged with treason..
Bye-Bye traitor commies
Cleaning house!!!
Obviously ignorant as well.
Trump TOLD THEM what he was going to do!
Awesome! Good riddance.
Clean House! I do it 3 times a week..President Trump and his cabinet will be cleaning every day!
Disinfect America. Make America Sparkle!