(Commenting on)  REPORT: ‘Rising star’ Democrat governor claimed he earned military award, now admits it wasn’t true



  1. If you lie on a job application it is automatic dismissal of your application or immediate termination. How would that be any diff for a White House application? Especially lying about a medal received in the military. Absolutely no standards in higher powers of the democratic gang

  2. This is despicable and pathetic! First of all if you receive an award of any kind in the military there is a pinning ceremony!! He knew he didn’t receive it!! Can’t cover this up!! Ask anyone who has received awards!! My son was in the army for over 20 years!! Any awards he was given there was a pinning ceremony!

  3. Never put the cart before the horse… always have the award in hand BEFORE claiming it… a bird in the hand is worth more than in the bush, and you never even saw the bird… also, what do they say about ASSUMING anything?

  4. It’s always someone else’s fault. There’s white trash…and then there’s black trash. Hope he gets voted out during his re-election bid. Although he should really resign, as he most likely used this claim as part of his election campaign.

  5. I wouldn’t call it an attack on his record, poor choice of words. He should have corrected the “mistake” a long time ago. Also he could have said he was recommended for the award not that he had gotten it. He should not blame any of his superiors. He put it down. His actions, no one twisted his arm.

    • Exactly right! But DemoncRats can’t seem to admit mistakes. They always blame someone or something else. The the current CORRUPT administration blames all their failures on Our President TRUMP!

  6. Isn’t it ironic that it is another putrid stinking democrat. He had plenty of time to correct the issue. That’s on him. He should never have filled the application out with the honor unless he had the Bronze IN HIS HANDS.

  7. Lying on an application in the real world leads to termination or not being offered the job. Now if you are a Democrat it seems to be a requirement for the job. Then if you’re caught, then you blame everyone else for your lack of morals and integrity. We know by now that it’s never a democrats fault when they blatantly lie about anything repeatedly even after being caught and exposed and corrected by even CNN.

  8. He half way apologized then blamed his superior. Look regardless the only reason he is speaking out is because he was caught. Otherwise he would still be claiming an award he did not receive.
    I’m sure many service people in here have an opinion in this matter and since I never served I will leave it to them

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