(Commenting on)  REPORT: Republican governor believes Trump has ‘no path’ back to the White House without his state



  1. We wouldn’t be here talking about this if you had done your job in November, 2020, Governor Kemp!! 😡🤬 You’re late to the game.

  2. Hmmm, wasn’t this one of the states that “suddenly” went for the commie clown party? What’s to say it won’t happen again, the commies are ruthless.

  3. Well Kempt better get the election cheating fixed now rather then after the election.
    These people threw Trump under the bus and when they also got ran down ,now they have issues.

  4. Good for Kemp even though he’s a piece of crap too. Why didn’t he help Trump out last year?
    All I want is Trump back in and at this point you gotta play their evil games.

    • He’s evil! Like a wolf wearing a sheep coat. He will back stab again coming November

  5. Read the Liz Harrington report.
    They already admit Trump won Georgia in 2020.
    Fulton County had 18,000 fishy ballots.
    Three recounts had 3 different totals so they counted some ballots twice.

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