(Commenting on)  REPORT: Red State Court Rules Minors Do Not Need Parental Consent For Abortions



  1. so another words if your kid chooses to drink as a minor they figure that they’re able to make decisions on their own just saying

  2. Corrupt to the core! Government over reach! Government owns your children! Stand the fuck up or your children will be lost forever! If this decision doesn’t bother you, you should of never had them in the first place!

  3. They don’t address the fact that women have to live with this decision for the rest of their lives. I realize it doesn’t bother some women but can you say that minors won’t ever regret it. People have enough baggage without adding the ability to kill their child.

  4. And if there are complications from said abortion and the child hemorrhages to death. I would imagine it he parent would then be charged??
    What a crazy world !

  5. There are so many ways to prevent pregnancy, why would anyone need to murder one of God’s precious children.

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