(Commenting on)  REPORT: Rancher Charged For Shooting An Illegal Alien On His Property Scores Final Court Victory



  1. Finally a rational decision. To bad it took so long. If this were against a Cartel member, no charges would have even been brought. They would be released back into the Country to reek more havoc 🤬🤬🤬

  2. Woo hoo finally a win for the good guys. He should never have been charged in the first place. No one should have any rights in this country unless they are a citizen, shouldn’t be able to own anything either.

  3. God bless this man. He really needs to sue the state of AZ. But I’m sure he and his wife want to continue with their life and enjoy each other’s. ❤️

  4. That’s good news but he should have never been on trial and what he’s been through has probably aged him beyond his 75 years and that can never be reversed.

  5. Gee a judge here in AZ does the right thing . Godbless this rancher and his family ,he did what was necessary .. EVERYONE should ..since our govt refuses . FJB and ALL of them .

  6. The damage has been done. So has the warning to all the border ranchers. Let all illigals in your property . You are not allowed to defend yourself or your family. We will destroy you life not just financially but emotionally!
    He might finally be free if the charges but the effects are permanent!

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