That’s all the Democrats care about is killing babies. Hirono is despicable!!
Hiring with her initial questions of each candidate seems to be trolling for partners and isn’t finding any. It is a disgrace for her to occupying a seat in the Senate. I love Hawaii but their continued voting for her doesn’t say much for the Hawaiian school system.
How about answering the sale questions. Did you ever have sex with or flirt with or physically attack or insult anyone??? So tired of these questions that all DemoRats ask yet they are the ones guilty.
She is a disgusting human being!
So sick is all Demonrats worry about killing baby, illegals for votes , gays and to fill there own pockets
I wonder why her Mom didn’t chose that route.
What an embarrassment to Hawaii. Definitely not the sharpest knife in the drawer. She can always be counted on for the absurd.
She is one of the dumbest scumbags in we the peoples political arena. F’n commie
hirono, aoc and maxine waters are all in the same category, sorry ass excuses for human beings and politicians.
Primary that idiot Demoncrap Hirono. She is a disgrace to the state of Hawaii.
What a bitch!!!
Hirono is beyond a dumb DEI LOSER, simply spinning her name. How the H she ever got elected in the first place I have no idea.
It’s going to take a lot of time and effort to get rid of Liberal Radicals like her.
This condescending old bag is truly useless in her position. She also needs to get a bottle of water as she keeps running out of saliva. Hawaiians should find a new senator. This one is unacceptable and a disgrace and an embarrassment to the position and to Hawaii.
That’s all the Democrats care about is killing babies. Hirono is despicable!!
Hiring with her initial questions of each candidate seems to be trolling for partners and isn’t finding any. It is a disgrace for her to occupying a seat in the Senate. I love Hawaii but their continued voting for her doesn’t say much for the Hawaiian school system.
How about answering the sale questions. Did you ever have sex with or flirt with or physically attack or insult anyone??? So tired of these questions that all DemoRats ask yet they are the ones guilty.
She is a disgusting human being!
So sick is all Demonrats worry about killing baby, illegals for votes , gays and to fill there own pockets
I wonder why her Mom didn’t chose that route.
What an embarrassment to Hawaii. Definitely not the sharpest knife in the drawer. She can always be counted on for the absurd.
She is one of the dumbest scumbags in we the peoples political arena. F’n commie
hirono, aoc and maxine waters are all in the same category, sorry ass excuses for human beings and politicians.
Primary that idiot Demoncrap Hirono. She is a disgrace to the state of Hawaii.
What a bitch!!!
Hirono is beyond a dumb DEI LOSER, simply spinning her name. How the H she ever got elected in the first place I have no idea.
It’s going to take a lot of time and effort to get rid of Liberal Radicals like her.
This condescending old bag is truly useless in her position. She also needs to get a bottle of water as she keeps running out of saliva. Hawaiians should find a new senator. This one is unacceptable and a disgrace and an embarrassment to the position and to Hawaii.