(Commenting on)  REPORT: Proposed blueprint that could shift kids’ education control under Trump



  1. Yes, but dismantling Department of Education? I thought they wanted to with hold federal funding to school districts if they engaged in certain practices? How can they do that without a DOE? How can they monitor compliance of schools without a federal authority? If you leave it up to the states completely, won’t you have blue states doing their thing and red states doing another thing? You’d still have the indoctrination, etc. with the blue states. Please explain how this will be accomplished.

    • That is why it is so important to know who is running and what their ideals are when you go to vote for the local school board elections. Unfortunately, people don’t pay enough attention to local elections. School boards and your city council has more impact on your children and your life than you can imagine. Make sure you research and vote for cnservatives.

  2. That will work for RED states.
    BLUE states would continue all the harmful Democrat policies.
    If that happens in BLUE states, the Federal government should step in to ensure ALL of these liberal policies that harm our schools and children are eradicated – gone.

  3. I live in Maryland which is predominantly a Red state, however the 4 largest counties are 100% Blue and unfortunately their vote undermines the will of all. Our children will have to suffer because of it. I think Maryland parents have a fight ahead of us to Stand Up for Our Children!

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