If Costco continues to support DEI, they will have 2 less customers from this family!!!
I hate that Costco is taking this stance. I am considering stopping my membership and shopping exclusively at Sam’s Club.
Is SAM’S club a safe haven to switch to or are they ruined too ? Just wondering .
Time to Bud Light Costco! Spread that message on all of your social media sites. Do a #BudLightCostco on all of your posts and comments. IF they are smart, they will change their stance.
I could very easily go to BJs or Sam’s club…so let’s see Costco…
Sad..Costco just moving into my area. Guess it want be on my list.
Will not renew membership. Si-o-nara costco. Don’t need you, don’t want you and don’t want to travel 45 minutes to get to you. Membership run out and it will be for good.
I don’t shop at Costco and never will. Boycott , Boycott,Boycott
If Costco continues to support DEI, they will have 2 less customers from this family!!!
I hate that Costco is taking this stance. I am considering stopping my membership and shopping exclusively at Sam’s Club.
Is SAM’S club a safe haven to switch to or are they ruined too ? Just wondering .
Time to Bud Light Costco! Spread that message on all of your social media sites. Do a #BudLightCostco on all of your posts and comments. IF they are smart, they will change their stance.
I could very easily go to BJs or Sam’s club…so let’s see Costco…
Sad..Costco just moving into my area. Guess it want be on my list.
Will not renew membership. Si-o-nara costco. Don’t need you, don’t want you and don’t want to travel 45 minutes to get to you. Membership run out and it will be for good.
I don’t shop at Costco and never will. Boycott , Boycott,Boycott