It’s President Trump, show some respect for the office and the man. Don’t settle, take the ten billion or these a$$holes will never learn otherwise. They are disgusting filthy liars and cheaters. And President Trump STILL donating his salary. Take ‘em down, President Trump. Hold up the merger, take your time. Screw them. They put us all through this turmoil.
Crawling on thier kneels …best position possible. I hope he stands firm and takes no shit.
It’s President Trump, show some respect for the office and the man. Don’t settle, take the ten billion or these a$$holes will never learn otherwise. They are disgusting filthy liars and cheaters. And President Trump STILL donating his salary. Take ‘em down, President Trump. Hold up the merger, take your time. Screw them. They put us all through this turmoil.