I thank Prime Minister Orban. He is a wise man. Who the hell are these lgbtq+++++ kidding, they are not protecting children, these cockroaches are promoting their way of life on them and trying to indoctrinate them. Get the hell out of our way. We will stop you at every turn. Go live your life in your own pride bubble with your stinking pride flag, but stay the hell out of our lives and that of our children and grandchildren. We don’t have straight people parades. When will you learn that we don’t want you anywhere near us or our family members. When family members are old enough to make their own decisions, they will do that. You don’t make decisions for US. we make decisions for US. Take your pride flag and shove it. I have no desire to look at it. You don’t own the rainbow, you are not entitled to it as it belongs to the world, not you cockroaches. As long as there is rain and sun, there will be rainbows, but there will not always be gay people as gay people die, rainbows and rain do not. The rainbow is not a pride thing; it is a weather phenomenon.
I’m sick of these freaks shoving their porn and lewd behavior down our throats and spinning it as “protest against facism”. They’ve gone way beyond gay rights by putting their fetish and freak behavior under the same umbrella. Most gays want nothing to do with trans activism! The trans freaks want to groom and indoctrinate children to make more freaks! They must be stopped! Thank God for our President Trump and Hungarian President Orban for having the courage to end this madness We need more like them!
The 1% raises more corruption and moral decay than the other 99%. Do not cave to the LQBTMPWTF agenda.
I applaud Hungary’s leadership.
You can be gay and have pride without putting on a drag queen show…straight people don’t have advertising sexual preference parades.
Perfectly stated!!! 👏👏👏👏👏
Keep it in the bedroom, off the streets, and quit talking about it.
I thank Prime Minister Orban. He is a wise man. Who the hell are these lgbtq+++++ kidding, they are not protecting children, these cockroaches are promoting their way of life on them and trying to indoctrinate them. Get the hell out of our way. We will stop you at every turn. Go live your life in your own pride bubble with your stinking pride flag, but stay the hell out of our lives and that of our children and grandchildren. We don’t have straight people parades. When will you learn that we don’t want you anywhere near us or our family members. When family members are old enough to make their own decisions, they will do that. You don’t make decisions for US. we make decisions for US. Take your pride flag and shove it. I have no desire to look at it. You don’t own the rainbow, you are not entitled to it as it belongs to the world, not you cockroaches. As long as there is rain and sun, there will be rainbows, but there will not always be gay people as gay people die, rainbows and rain do not. The rainbow is not a pride thing; it is a weather phenomenon.
I’m sick of these freaks shoving their porn and lewd behavior down our throats and spinning it as “protest against facism”. They’ve gone way beyond gay rights by putting their fetish and freak behavior under the same umbrella. Most gays want nothing to do with trans activism! The trans freaks want to groom and indoctrinate children to make more freaks! They must be stopped! Thank God for our President Trump and Hungarian President Orban for having the courage to end this madness We need more like them!
Amen to that. BevL
Amazing news!