(Commenting on)  REPORT: NYC Jewish voters ready to rally for Andrew Cuomo for mayor



  1. Makes no sense to me WHY the Jewish community would vote for a DemoncRat seeing how the DemoncRats running to run the Country have been treating ISRAEL !!!

  2. Why are jewish typically democrats? They are missing a gene. It ASTOUNDS me. Sure…..vote for a party who “knows better how to spend your money than you do. So we will tax you some more.”
    And that a$$#*/+ put sick people in nursing homes!!!!!
    New York is a sewer and will remain that way under democrats.

  3. You’ve got to be kidding me!!! Andrew Cuomo for Mayor of N.Y.??? WHY do Jewish people always vote stupid??? WHY do they support Dems/libs who would March them over the cliff (to the gas chamber) in a heartbeat??? Smarten the hell up, Sheeple!!!

  4. Their fools. I’m almost speechless. Must be none of these Jews had family die from Cuomo’s Covid orders, but they know about it and still would vote him in. Insanity
    Get a Republican in there, dumb asses. Look how Israel is being yanked around by this democratic regime. IDIOTS

    • They did by the 1000s. I know, because my mother was in a nursing home at that time full blown covid pandemic. And it was mostly heavily Jewish population in Borough Park, Brooklyn. There were lots of Jewish patients in the nursing home my mother was in. Why would you vote for somebody who was joking on T.V. with his brother at CNN, while people were dying and contracting covid in nursing homes left and right and send covid patients to nursing homes?!
      Like if it was on purpose to send people with a contagious and deadly virus, to nursing homes, already housed with immune compromised and very sick people? You don’t have to be a doctor, virologist, scientist, epidemiologist to know that!

      • I don’t remember who this woman was, she was a senator or something else, not sure. She went in and yanked her mother out if that nursing home, cuz, she knew what they were going to do. I heard about this on the news.

  5. You are the dumbest people on the planet, go ahead and vote for cuomo. I hope he gets richer and you get poorer. Because you are too stupid to be trusted with a intelligance.
    You are all still shouting “Give us Barrabus, the lying, murdering, thief! Crucify the other guy who’s done no wrong!”

  6. That’s it dumbasses stay with the party that hates you. You all deserve everything you get. Just being honest. If you stupid idiots stay Dem then you deserve everything that’s coming your way.


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