Newsome is a communist traitor who needs to be put behind bars!! He sold California out and would seek the rest of us out if we let him!! He’d be worse than Joe Biden!! Reply
And this information surprises who??? We all have known that that all the DemoncRATs in Californication are in Xi’s pockets!!! Reply
Not just in Commiefornia.Democrats across the country have sold us out to China.I wouldn’t vote for a Democrat for dog catcher if he was my brother Reply
Newsome is a communist traitor who needs to be put behind bars!! He sold California out and would seek the rest of us out if we let him!! He’d be worse than Joe Biden!!
Hopefully the new FBI will look into his CCP activity. What a sellout!!!
And this information surprises who??? We all have known that that all the DemoncRATs in Californication are in Xi’s pockets!!!
Not just in Commiefornia.Democrats across the country have sold us out to China.I wouldn’t vote for a Democrat for dog catcher if he was my brother
Boom 💥 and agree 100%