(Commenting on)  REPORT: New CIA chief releases Biden-era report agency kept hidden from Americans



  1. Please this is old news. Where was it funded from and who funded it, why the good ole USA. Release that and take those to trial that did this and injured and killed Americans. I’ve known this for 5 years now. You are not telling us anything new. Now time to act on it not on another committee meeting wasting resources, time and money. We all know who was behind this. Alternative media exposed this ages ago

  2. You have to be an idiot or Fauci to believe the COVID virus didn’t come from Wuhan lab. The only question is was it on purpose.
    I think transparency in our government is going to be important going forward to restore any trust.

  3. Kelly you are right on the mark. Let’s start to take all those involved who lied and caused so much harm and death to America. Time for arrests and convictions.

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