(Commenting on)  REPORT: Nearly half of Education Department’s staff set to be eliminated imminently



  1. The Left is just in the wrong side of everything. The parents have the right to put their children in religious or private schools!!! They want their kids getting the best education possible.
    It is time teachers actually teach their students.. I’m disgusted at how many kids can not even read. How is that allowed! No child should go through school and not know how to read a basic book. There is no way for a child to succeed if they can not read the school work given!!! That’s insane!

    • Agree. This will be a good thing for the student and will give parents more control and accountability. Teachers were not meant to be babysitters. weingarten is an idiot….the mexican jumping bean. The money will follow the child allowing responsible parents to choose the best option for their child. At this point, keep them out of public schools which are becoming more and more useless. Children in the US are behind in reading and math. These kids don’t even know how to count change. And their faces are in their phones for 80% of the day. They can’t seem to function without that phone in their face.

  2. I wished this could have happened 20 years ago. Public Education has struggled ever since Carter started the DOE. If teachers can go back to teaching the basics in PreK- 5 our students will benefit greatly. I always asked students what the MOST important subject is. They eventually realize that if they can’t READ, they will struggle in every subject. All I can say is HALLELUJAH because teachers will LOVE teaching again.

  3. Parents should have a right to their own money (tax dollars 💸) and be able to decide where their children will go to school 🏫 Public schools have become indoctrination camps.


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