(Commenting on)  REPORT: Multiple Trump Cabinet leaders push back on Musk email order



  1. Cash just got confirmed literally hours ago. I say give them more time to get organized. I do however agree that federal employees should report their accomplishments periodically.

  2. Absolutely they should. If one can’t account for their time then they should be let go. An employee is accountable to their bosses whether govt or not whether they like it or not. It is not their time it is the govt or employers time. Everybody needs to get busy!

  3. Kash was just confirmed. Let him get a grasp of his department first, but they really could just shoot an email saying I see this, and Director Patel said to hold off.
    I totally understand what they are trying to accomplish and feel very confident that it will be done short.

  4. I completely understand what Musk is doing. So many times I’ve seen people collect paychecks after paycheck but did little and at times absolutely nothing.Gov’t employees know unless they commit a heinous crime, they never get fired. The only ones who should be afraid of this request are those who have little to nothing to report. I say fire the dead logs. I also agree it’s a tool to rid of fraud.

  5. I believe eventually there should be an email to give basic information pertaining to the work being done. However like just a response now saying I’ve seen this and our director has said we will hold off until we are directed by our boss. We are just getting started and will work hard to accomplish the goals set by President Trump. That way at least people are seeing and answering their emails. It’s only been 30 days Elon breathe! Government efficiency is important but it isn’t their job to report to you. It’s their job to report to the head of each department of government and they are just getting started.

  6. If the heads of these departments have time to tell their subordinates to hold off, then they have time to answer an email. If it’s classified, state that it is so. I for one would of answered to the email.


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